sorry :(
I really don't like being harsh, but some of the arpeggios and melodies in this song sometimes don't work (my pieces sometimes have sections that don't work as-well) but at least it keeps itself fresh, keep it up, you'll improve :)
sorry :(
I really don't like being harsh, but some of the arpeggios and melodies in this song sometimes don't work (my pieces sometimes have sections that don't work as-well) but at least it keeps itself fresh, keep it up, you'll improve :)
I kinda rushed to finish this song anyways.
loving this, nice fusion man, and you do such a good job of keeping something so simple sounding so fresh for so long, good job
Thanks. Glad you dig it.
nice chillaxing hip-hop, but i feel it needs some mouth words over the top of it, other than that, phat ham likes it much
Hey :) Thanks, man!:D
yyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh h
i listen to lots of the heavy metal stuff here on newgrounds and i dont think ive ever heard such nice phrasing, good job 10/10 5/5
awesome, my peices sound awful compared to this ; ) ,i really like the part with the classical (?) guitar
Thanks for the comment!
nice peice maybe a bit repetitive. i think the problem with the rhythm guitar is that it dosent have enough bass, it sounds like a mosquito.
I lowered the gain on the rythem guitar a bit from a suggestion from Kor-Rune. I personally think the rythem sounds much better than it did in the draft, since it sounded kind of messy, that's why I lowered the gain, and that's probably why it sounds like it doesn't have much bass to it, but trust me, you wouldn't want to hear the other version I had.
I would have vocals in it to make it sound less repetitive, I was hoping the the orchestrated parts would somewhat elude the repetitive feel.
But I think I responded to you're full review, thanks for enjoying it!
Joined on 2/16/09